French company Tenkara Pyrenees recently announced that they are now offering personalized tenkara rods, allowing you to choose different graphics on the rod blank and tube. Each rod is also individually numbered and can feature your name, making it unique.

Your name on your semi-custom tenkara rod
The blanks are manufactured by a well-established Japanese tenkara rod maker and customized by a company called Katana Rods. Below is a video from Katana Rods showing some of the options available.

The rods are very high quality with the great action you’d expect from Japanese blanks and are available in 6:4 or 7:3 action and in lengths of 360 cm (11.8 ft.) or 400 cm (13.1 ft.). They’re high-end rods for sure and are not mass manufactured. Each one is individually made to your specifications and can take anywhere from 15 days to one month for delivery. They come with a very high quality carbon fiber rod tube.
For an additional charge, you can also choose the grip style, though you’ll need to contact Tenkara Pyrenees to work that out.
While these rods might not resonate with everyone, I’m glad to see a company be the first to start offering some custom options. And I hope is reverberates with other manufacturers to the point where we can essentially “build” our own tenkara rod from scratch the way we do with cars. I think Tenkara Pyrenees is taking the first step in the right direction.
Click here to see the different options available.
I love those graphics, but you forgot to mention the price, €549.00!!!:(
p.s. That’s starting at €549.00. Your rod looks to be €579.00
Chalk the tip if you want to run the table (or stream in this case). I hope the substance equals the form.
NOT Impressed…JUST KIDDING Jason! Always givin me a hard time about my “high standards” hummph!! I really like these new tweeks, bring em on!!! 🙂
More smoke and mirrors driving up prices. I’m not impressed…definitely not kidding. I’m actually turned off by this idea. Extra flashy, extra weight, extra costs. This is not a trend that I would have any interest in. I’d stick with the stock Nissin for less money.
And just as a side note. This type of rod customization is fun and easy to do at home. For about 25 bucks I could achieve the same and even countless other options in just one quiet lazy afternoon. I do realize that many people don’t have the time to do this stuff and would rather just pay to have it done for them, but it really is an easy DIY project.
Ahhhhh, my fellow “10Karaists”, we are a free-thinking, no fear lot are we not? We say what we think and mean what we say, “the world go to hell!” eh??!!! 😉
I will pimp my own perhaps but wouldn’t pay extra for it. I’d rather make art than buy it.